Oropi Community Conversation

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Consultation has concluded

The engagement for the community conversation phase has now finished. Thank you for taking part! From sharing your story about what makes Western Bay special to you, to attending one of the community conversations and giving us your feedback. We're now going through all your opinions and ideas. And we'll check in with you later with the main themes of what you've told us and the next steps in regards to our 10-year plan for the District. Stay tuned!

Welcome to Oropi's Community Conversation - we're excited you're here!

Oropi is a beautiful place - but what really makes it special is the people who live here.

We come from all walks of life, with different dreams, goals, fears and challenges, but we’re all connected by the place we call home.

And we all should have a say in shaping its future...

Here you can give feedback or comment on any community project or topic.

Your responses will show us what matters to you, what you want for your community's future and where you stand on projects and issues. These conversations are pivotal in creating the District's Long Term Plan 2018-2028. To stay in touch with this project use the sign up tool.

Simply enter your comments in the conversation below - it's that easy.

Thank you! #itsaboutyou

The engagement for the community conversation phase has now finished. Thank you for taking part! From sharing your story about what makes Western Bay special to you, to attending one of the community conversations and giving us your feedback. We're now going through all your opinions and ideas. And we'll check in with you later with the main themes of what you've told us and the next steps in regards to our 10-year plan for the District. Stay tuned!

Welcome to Oropi's Community Conversation - we're excited you're here!

Oropi is a beautiful place - but what really makes it special is the people who live here.

We come from all walks of life, with different dreams, goals, fears and challenges, but we’re all connected by the place we call home.

And we all should have a say in shaping its future...

Here you can give feedback or comment on any community project or topic.

Your responses will show us what matters to you, what you want for your community's future and where you stand on projects and issues. These conversations are pivotal in creating the District's Long Term Plan 2018-2028. To stay in touch with this project use the sign up tool.

Simply enter your comments in the conversation below - it's that easy.

Thank you! #itsaboutyou

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
  • Have your say Oropi

    over 7 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Leave your feedback or comments on any Oropi topic or project here. We'd also love to hear about what's important for you, and your community, in the coming years.

    Here’s what some Oropi residents have commented to date:

    • Sealing of the road Upper Ohauiti Road to McPhail Road past Quarry. This used to be on the seal extension list but no longer appears. This road is used frequently by families driving children to Oropi School and isn't well maintained. Is there a plan to seal this part of the road?

    • Agree this piece of road (Upper Ohauiti Road to McPhail Road past Quarry) not being sealed seems out of place with the rest of the Tauranga region. It is frequently used piece of road by upper Oropi and Ohauiti residents and all upper Ohauiti residents are zoned for Oropi school. It seems ridiculous that to get to this school there is still a section of metal.

    • Reduce speed in the Oropi Village area to 40km, especially during School start and end times. Consider re-design of the road by the staff parking area opposite Gamman Mill Road. This is really dangerous for staff and visitors coming in and out of the car park, especially when traffic is coming around the corner as visibility is poor. Improve street parking in the School zone to reduce chaos especially at the end of the school day. Install crossing for families to cross the road outside the bus turning bay opposite School.

    • I saw a comment about removing the yellow 'no passing' line from outside Wood Road. I have seen many people passing along that straight before the yellow line was put there. Cars turning out of Wood Road to go down the hill were potentially at risk. If you haven't seen this happen, the yellow line may seem unnecessary.

    • Can't see what reducing speed limit to 80kmh would achieve. The road is not the issue, the users are. Reducing the speed to 80 will absolutely not make the road safer when you have school buses parking across intersections, people wandering down the road and cyclists riding 3 and 4 wide. Idiots parked in the middle of the road apparently lost or looking for a driveway is another classic... Most of the time you are travelling at 60 or less and it's still a lethal stretch of road.