How were the design options developed?

    The project was identified in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan within the coastal assets renewals. In October 2023 pre-engagement took place seeking feedback from the local community about the existing jetty and how they use it. The information collected was used to draft concept plans, which we shared in June 2024, seeking the community’s feedback on the most suitable structure to meet their current and future needs. 

    What community feedback and local knowledge was received to help inform the design?

    Feedback from the local community:  

    • Most locals want the jetty to remain  

    • Only 25% of residents surveyed used the jetty for boating  

    • The majority of community use the jetty to access the foreshore  

    • Swimming and fishing are also activities that are undertaken by the majority of jetty users 

    • A number of the local community use the jetty as a viewing platform and a place for passive recreation 

    How has Council engaged with tangata whenua?

    Council will engage with iwi through the resource consent process. 

    Who will pay for this development?

    The project is fully funded under the Coastal asset renewals budget within the Long Term Plan 2024-34. 

    When is construction planned to take place?

    This is dependant on contractor availability and weather conditions. The aim is not to have construction during the school summer holidays.