We've updated our Public Art Policy.

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Consultation has concluded.

UPDATE: July 2024 - The final policy has been adopted.

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback in developing the Public Art Policy.

Our Public Art Policy has been reviewed and a new version has been adopted.

Engaging with our community

Public art contributes to the vibrancy of our district and the wellbeing of our communities. It expresses and supports a sense of neighbourhood history, culture, and identity, and helps drive economic vitality.

Targeted engagement with Tangata Whenua, community and art groups informed development of the draft Public Art Policy, along with elected member workshops.

Consultation on the draft Public Art Policy was undertaken from 2 to 30 April 2024. Community boards and those who participated in the targeted engagement were advised that the draft policy was open for consultation and feedback.

Feedback on the draft Policy

Council considered all feedback received and made changes to the draft policy to address several matters raised.

There was mixed support for the changes proposed in the draft Public Art Policy. Six key issues were identified by those who provided feedback.

  1. Providing more detail on Council’s role and responsibilities
  2. Providing recognition of the role of private artwork in the policy
  3. Definition of public art and Council’s role in this
  4. Adding to the policy objectives
  5. Key components of a public art policy and the need to expand the draft policy direction
  6. General feedback (see agenda report for details)

Please read our Decision Story here Public Art Policy Decision Document which provides detail on the key decisions made by Council.

The updated Public Art Policy 2024 is also available to read

Consultation has concluded.

UPDATE: July 2024 - The final policy has been adopted.

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback in developing the Public Art Policy.

Our Public Art Policy has been reviewed and a new version has been adopted.

Engaging with our community

Public art contributes to the vibrancy of our district and the wellbeing of our communities. It expresses and supports a sense of neighbourhood history, culture, and identity, and helps drive economic vitality.

Targeted engagement with Tangata Whenua, community and art groups informed development of the draft Public Art Policy, along with elected member workshops.

Consultation on the draft Public Art Policy was undertaken from 2 to 30 April 2024. Community boards and those who participated in the targeted engagement were advised that the draft policy was open for consultation and feedback.

Feedback on the draft Policy

Council considered all feedback received and made changes to the draft policy to address several matters raised.

There was mixed support for the changes proposed in the draft Public Art Policy. Six key issues were identified by those who provided feedback.

  1. Providing more detail on Council’s role and responsibilities
  2. Providing recognition of the role of private artwork in the policy
  3. Definition of public art and Council’s role in this
  4. Adding to the policy objectives
  5. Key components of a public art policy and the need to expand the draft policy direction
  6. General feedback (see agenda report for details)

Please read our Decision Story here Public Art Policy Decision Document which provides detail on the key decisions made by Council.

The updated Public Art Policy 2024 is also available to read