Maketū Cemetery - Wharekahu

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Kia ora, welcome to the Maketū Cemetery - Wharekahu project page. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about the project, including latest updates, and a timeline of upcoming steps.

About the project

Severe weather events in 2023 caused parts of the cemetery to flood. With the blessing of affected whānau we are doing some work to protect burial plots at risk of future flooding, to avoid this happening again. This involves:

  • Temporarily removing headstones to safe storage
  • Raising the concrete berm by 350m
  • Adding in topsoil to raise the ground contours around the new berm
  • Recontouring the area to redirect stormwater to the soak hole

Weather permitting, the work is expected to be completed by mid-December 2024. We are also planning on some modifications of the new extended area of the cemetery, with further earthworks scheduled for March/April 2025.

What’s happening now? (2 December 2024)

Following an on-site karakia with the affected whānau, the headstones have been carefully uplifted and taken to a storage facility, where they will be kept safe until the berm is completed.

Concrete has been poured for the berm, and burial plot numbers have been attached. Topsoil will be added and the ground contoured once the concrete has cured.

Thank you to whānau who have been working closely with us to help protect this tapu space.

Kia ora, welcome to the Maketū Cemetery - Wharekahu project page. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about the project, including latest updates, and a timeline of upcoming steps.

About the project

Severe weather events in 2023 caused parts of the cemetery to flood. With the blessing of affected whānau we are doing some work to protect burial plots at risk of future flooding, to avoid this happening again. This involves:

  • Temporarily removing headstones to safe storage
  • Raising the concrete berm by 350m
  • Adding in topsoil to raise the ground contours around the new berm
  • Recontouring the area to redirect stormwater to the soak hole

Weather permitting, the work is expected to be completed by mid-December 2024. We are also planning on some modifications of the new extended area of the cemetery, with further earthworks scheduled for March/April 2025.

What’s happening now? (2 December 2024)

Following an on-site karakia with the affected whānau, the headstones have been carefully uplifted and taken to a storage facility, where they will be kept safe until the berm is completed.

Concrete has been poured for the berm, and burial plot numbers have been attached. Topsoil will be added and the ground contoured once the concrete has cured.

Thank you to whānau who have been working closely with us to help protect this tapu space.