Welcome to It's About You!

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Consultation has concluded

Check out the next phase of our Long Term Plan 2018/2028 journey!

The engagement for the community conversation phase has now finished. This is phase one of three phases. So thank you for taking part so far! From sharing your story about what makes Western Bay special to you, to attending one of the community conversations and giving us your feedback.

We're now going through all your opinions and ideas. We'll check in with you later regarding the main themes of what you've told us and the next steps in regards to our 10-year plan for the District. Stay tuned!

In the meantime you can read the feedback received at those community conversation events ('Your Feedback' section):

Have you seen our upcoming Community Conversations? Check the events listing to find the one for your community and come hear about key projects in your community...

What makes the Western Bay of Plenty so special? In a word - YOU!

We're beginning our journey in planning for the next decade ahead - what that looks like for the Western Bay and its residents.

In a nutshell - we want as many of you as possible to join us on this journey. After all - it's the place you call home.

This journey will take us into 2018. We hope to see you on the way...

Follow us on Instagram @westernbaycouncil, share your favourite Western Bay images and moments using the hashtag #itsaboutyou in your post!

Check out the next phase of our Long Term Plan 2018/2028 journey!

The engagement for the community conversation phase has now finished. This is phase one of three phases. So thank you for taking part so far! From sharing your story about what makes Western Bay special to you, to attending one of the community conversations and giving us your feedback.

We're now going through all your opinions and ideas. We'll check in with you later regarding the main themes of what you've told us and the next steps in regards to our 10-year plan for the District. Stay tuned!

In the meantime you can read the feedback received at those community conversation events ('Your Feedback' section):

Have you seen our upcoming Community Conversations? Check the events listing to find the one for your community and come hear about key projects in your community...

What makes the Western Bay of Plenty so special? In a word - YOU!

We're beginning our journey in planning for the next decade ahead - what that looks like for the Western Bay and its residents.

In a nutshell - we want as many of you as possible to join us on this journey. After all - it's the place you call home.

This journey will take us into 2018. We hope to see you on the way...

Follow us on Instagram @westernbaycouncil, share your favourite Western Bay images and moments using the hashtag #itsaboutyou in your post!

Tell your story

We're sharing the stories of people around the District – what’s yours?

It may be about your family life, work, the people, place or culture, anything you like. Knowing what makes the Western Bay special for each of you helps us continue to build on what makes our place unique, our strengths and opportunities!

Great story - thank you so much for sharing!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share Youth and Community/Business Initiatives in Te Puke on Facebook Share Youth and Community/Business Initiatives in Te Puke on Twitter Share Youth and Community/Business Initiatives in Te Puke on Linkedin Email Youth and Community/Business Initiatives in Te Puke link

    Youth and Community/Business Initiatives in Te Puke

    by VectorGroupCharitableTrust, over 7 years ago

    We would like help with community and youth support in our area. Tracey and I head up Vector Group Charitable Trust and would love to see some backing for youth projects and initiatives. 

    http://www.vectorgroup.org.nz(External link) We support, Alt Ed, TPHS, CACTUS, Chaplaincy in Schools and have initiated a Youth Creatives Center on main street of Te Puke called The Loft, after School table tennis, pool table, games area, film and photography workshops, Pop-Up Ball shop to aid students in acquiring outfits, starting a youth led op-shop, doing 48 hour film comp with youth, launched Te Puke directory, launched online Business... Continue reading

  • Share Te Puke farm charm on Facebook Share Te Puke farm charm on Twitter Share Te Puke farm charm on Linkedin Email Te Puke farm charm link

    Te Puke farm charm

    by Young kid on the farm, almost 8 years ago

    I often think about visiting our family friends at their farm in Te Puke when I was a kid.

    We lived in Auckland at the time and an escape to the farm was always so exciting. I remember being completely charmed by farm life: learning to ride a little motorbike, hearing the cows in the morning and seeing the tractors on the roadside. Oh and eating a big slice of hot sticky date pudding in the kitchen - a small home on a huge section filled with possibility to little young me.

    That was... Continue reading

  • Share give em a taste of kiwi on Facebook Share give em a taste of kiwi on Twitter Share give em a taste of kiwi on Linkedin Email give em a taste of kiwi link

    give em a taste of kiwi

    by Yankiwi, almost 8 years ago
    • My family and I lived in Auckland in Brown's Bay. We would walk to the beach and I would dig for pippies and bring them home to boil and eat. My sisters and I would play in the rock pools when the tide was out. You never knew what you would find. 
    • My grandparents owned a kiwi orchard in Tauranga so we were always in the bay of plenty. On our road trips to "Nana's road" we would stop in Paeroa and play in the local park. I can still taste the naturally carbonated water that came from the tap... Continue reading